The following species can be found in the
central Pacific :
click on the species name to view the map.
- asinina S-most Japan to Sydney,
Andaman Isl. to New Caledonia
- clathrata Kenya to American Samoa,
S Japan to Sydney
- crebrisculpta New Caledonia
- dissona Queensland, New Caledonia,
- dohrniana Indo-Malayan Archipelago
to west Central Pacific.
- fatui
- jacnensis ). S-most Japan (S of
Amami Isl.), Philippines, New Caledonia, Marianas, Micronesia
- ovina Maldives to Tuamotus, SW
Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Queensland to Western Australia
- pulcherrima Tuamotus, Henderson
- thailandis Indo-Malayan Archipelago,
- varia Sri Lanka to Tonga, S Japan,
Philippines, central W Western Australia to Sydney