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The Abalone Mapping Project
Fossil Abalone from Greece
Courtesy Philippos Papanikolaou
The fossil abalone specimen shown below was found by Philippos Papanikolaou,
in a sandstone cliff, the "Askitario" site near Rafina, Greece. The site
has been dated as Pliocene aged. The fossil is a sandstone matrix internal
mould, mounted on an Ostrea shell fragment. It is a mould specimen with
the shell dissolved, the most frequent preservation mode of fossil abalone.
This is the only trace of Haliotis that Mr. Papanikolaou ever found
in this area, and he has been searching it for a while.
My thanks to Philippos Papanikolaou for sharing his find.

Photograph and copyright of photographs with Philippos Papanikolaou.