A new abalone
species from Thailand has recently been described and is already being
marketed by some shell dealers and auction
houses. The species is clearly a color form of H.
ovina Gmelin, 1791. The resurrection of an old synonym of H.
ovina H. latilabris Philippi, 1848is also mistaken.
The specimens are certainly interesting color morphs that are also somewhat
more flattened than normal H. ovina, however, these differences
do not warrant taxonomic recognition. Shell shape is extremely plastic
in the entire family Haliotidae; the suble differences cited by the
authors are insufficient to justify the introduction of a new taxon.
The morphological differences in the epipodium are well within the intraspecific
variation of H. ovina.
varia with double row of holes
Buzz Owen kindly send the picture below of two Haliotis
varia with two rows of holes on the shell. This phenomenon is extremely
rare, and so far unknown from that species.