

of extremely rare natural objects
Hamburg, 30th June 1794
of Auction/ through rules/ to be distributed.

Second Section
Containing shells, mineral items, exotic woods, and works of art.

of rarest, collected from all part of the wold with much trouble and expenses, also from different cabinets, collections, and auctions obtaines

Natural objects

which were collected by a fancier, as member of the Batavian and various other natural science societies.

Second part
consisting of
snails and bivalves
whereunder many south sea and in part still unknown highly curious
rarities are found,
as well as
fine types of stones and mountains, foreign woods, curiosities, and fine art objects,
which are going to be sold publicly on
Monday 30th of June 1794
and the following days
at the Eimbeck House
by the auctioneer
Johann Hinrich Schöen

This collection is shown prior at the place of sale, and from the 11th June to the sale daily publicly to be viewed.

printed by Gott.[fried] Friedr.[ich] Schniebes

[Translated from German; Latin text essentially the same]

To the external respected Connaisseurs and collectors, which are known to the commissioners as knowledgeable people, the undersigned offers, in order to send out orders to those, to take care of the commission as well as the packaging.

The payment is made in Gross-Courants or in Danish Dukates by the recipient, without which nothing will be delivered.

Johann Hinrich Schöen.

[Translated from German; Latin text essentially the same]


Among the manifold rarities, which occurr here among the shellbearing animals, as the second part of the publicly to be sold cabinet of natural objects, one will draw the attention of the collector, knowledgeable person, and connaisseur only to few of the many excellent pieces.

First, I indicate herewith: that the two valved as well as the univalved shells are formed entirely healthy and complete, are entirely cleaned of sea-mud and other dirty things, which will afford every viewer, including the non-connaisseur, a pretty visual experience.

It is clearly shown: that the former owner directed his attention more to rare and major pieces, than on generally known snails; therefore, the excellence, or better said: the of first rank, 9. occurr here more than in usual collections.

As explanation for the out of town collectors, one has, as in the first part, again followed the Linnean System according to Gmelin's most recent edition, and chosen as references Rumpff, Argentville, Martini, Chemnitz, and Knorr, with carefull indication of the plates and figures, so that the present specimens can be looked up.

There are in this collection not only extremely rare shells as among the bi-valved No. 41, 253, 285. So also among the uni-valved No. 139, 194, 324, 453, 499-501, 514, 530, 556, 602, 672, 681, 763, 848, 856, 865, 896, 954-956, 963, 971, 1067, 1068, 1118, 1119, and other more, but also such; which either have just been newly discovered, or of which so far in no cabinets similar ones were found, particularly, among the bi-valved No 257. so also 284., then among the uni-valved no. 74, 182, as the sole specimens of their kind, besides various South Sea specimens and others, of which so far the description is missing.

At the end of the snails and bivalves, one has added for those, who collect in more than one discipline, also other rarities from the rock and plant kingdom.

And because the description of the Insects has advanced, so that these were also finished, so one will soon be able to advertise the time of sale of the third part through announcements in public papers.

M. Anton August Heinrich Lichtenstein.
