SLR-Photography as Applied in Science
This short reference is intended as a quick and dirty guide to some of the photographic techniques used particularly in biological sciences. It is rather physical-chemically oriented than esthetically, therefore, is putting a counter accent against many popular photography books and articles in general interest photography books.
- Introduction
- Basics
- Light intensity
- Color of light
- Film speed: ISO, ASA, DIN
- Films: B&W, color, professional, storage
- Error of reciprocity
- Shutter speed
- Focus and depth of field
- Underwater photography
- Range of equipment
- Water as a medium to photograph in
- Presentation slides
- Paper originals
- Slide duplicating
- Blue slides
- Computer files as originals
- 3D objects, shiny objects
- Photography through glass and water
- Neat Tricks
- Processing and mounting slides
- Pseudo TTL flash technique
- Recommended literature