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![]() ![]() ABBOTT, R. T., 1989 Compendium of landshells. Burlington: American Malacologists. 240 pp. ABBOTT, R. T. & DANCE, S. P., 1983 Compendium of seashells. New York: Dutton. 411 pp. ANONYMOUS, 1989 La vie de la société: Renate et Ed Skinner-Wittig [obituary]. Bulletin de la Société Internationale de Conchyliologie 11(2): 2. BAER, C., 1985 Voyage en Indonesie. Bulletin de la Société Internationale de Conchyliologie 7(4): 4-15. BAER, T. & J.-C. CAILLEZ, 1985 Coquillages récoltés au cours due voyage 85 en Indonésie. Bulletin de la Société Internationale de Conchyliologie 7(4):16-27. BEEKMAN, E. M., 1992 D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer. [The Ambonese Curiosity Cabinet]. Translated, edited, annotated, and with an introduction by E.M. Beekman. New Haven, Conneticutt:Yale University Press. cxii, 567 pp. BRODERIP, W. J., 1842 . Proceedings of the zoological society, London 10: 53-55. BRUMMITT, P. K. 1992 Vascular plant families and genera. Kew, Royal Botanical Garden. 804 pp. CAILLEZ, J.-C., 1986 The Conus nobilis Linnaeus, 1758, complex in Indonesia. La Conchiglia 18 (202-203): 11-13. CAILLEZ, J.-C., 1993 C[onus]. nobilis renatae, a new subspecies of C. nobilis. La Conchiglia 25 (267): 51-54. CHEMNITZ, J. H., 1786 Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, vol. 9, pt. 1. Nürnberg: Raspe. 151 pp, pls. 103Ð116. CHEMNITZ, J. H., 1788 Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, vol. 10. Nürnberg: Raspe. 376 pp, 124 pp., pls. 137-173. DA MOTTA, A. J., 1986 Complete list of valid species (1758-1986). Le Connaisseur of Seashells. Dec. 1986: 56-58. DA MOTTA, A. J., 1991a A systematic classification of the gastropoda family Conidae at the generic level. Rome: La Conchiglia. 48 pp. DA MOTTA, A. J. 1991b A new genus and a new species (Gastropoda: Conidae). La Conchiglia 22 (258): 12-15. DANCE, S. P., 1966 Shell collecting: an illustrated history. London: Faber and Faber. 344 pp, 35 pls. DARNSTÄDT, T., 2001 Start-up ins Leben. 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C., 1882 Preface, pp iii-iv. in The Willughby Society, Lichtenstein's Catalogus Rerum Naturalium Rarissimarum. London: Taylor and Francis. GOTO, Y. & G. T. POPPE, 1996 A listing of living Mollusca, part 1, volumes 1-2. Ancona: L'informatore pieceno. 868 pp. HIGO, S. & Y. GOTO, 1993 A systematic list of molluscan shells from the Japanese islands, and the adjacent area. Osaka: Elle Scientific. 2, 22, 693, 12, 148 pp. HUTSELL, K. C., L. L. HUTSELL & D. L. PISOR, 1997. Registry of world record size shells. San Diego: Snail's Pace. 101 pp. ICZN, 1962 Opinion 641. Addition of certain generic and specific names in the family Phasmatidae (Insecta, Phasmatodea) to the Official Lists and Indexes. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature19: 274-279. ICZN, 1995 Opinion 1820. A. A. H. Lichtenstein's (1796, 1797) Catalogus musei zoologici ... Sectio Tertia. Continens Insecta and D. H. Schneider's (1800) Verzeichniss einer Parthei Insekten ... : proposed suppression, with conservation of some Lichtenstein (1796) names (Insecta und Arachnida). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 51: 283-285. ICZN, 2000 Opinion 1950. Haliotis clathrata Reeve, 1846 (non Lichtenstein, 1794) and H. elegans Philippi, 1844 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific names conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 57: 124-125. JUNK, W., 1900-1913 Rara historico-naturalia et mathematica. Berlin, W 15. 240 pp. JUNK, W.. 1930. Schmökern um Bücher respective naturwissenschaftliche Kinkerlitzchen. Junk, Berlin. 51 + I pp. KAICHER, S. D. 1976 Card catalogue of world-wide shells, Pack #11 - Conidae part 1. Kaicher. KERZHNER, I. M., 1994 Case 2862. A. A. H. Lichtenstein's (1796, 1797) Catalogus musei zoologici ... sectio tertia. Continens Insecta and D. H. Schneider's (1800) Verzeichniss einer Parthei Insekten ... : suppressed, with conservation of some Lichtenstein (1796) names (Insecta und Arachnida). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 52: 108-115. LAN, T. C., 1993 The classic shells of the world. Taipei: T. C. Lan Editions. 222 pp. LAUER, J. M. 1995 Iconographical revision of J. G. Walls "Cone shells, a synopsis of the living Conidae" II. World shells No. 13: 57-72. LICHTENSTEIN, A. A. H., 1793 Catalogus rerum naturalium rarissimarum sectio prima continens mammalia & aves. Hamburg: Gottlieb Friedrich Schniebes. 60 pp. LICHTENSTEIN, A. A. H., 1794 Catalogus rerum naturalium rarissimarum sectio secunda continens conchylia, item mineralia, ligna exotica, & arte parata. Hamburg: Gottlieb Friedrich Schniebes. 118 pp. Pdf available here LICHTENSTEIN, A. A. H., 1796 Catalogus musei zoologici ditissimi Hamburgi d. III. Februar 1796. Auctionis lege distrahendi. Sectio tertia contines insecta. Hamburg: Gottlieb Friedrich Schniebes. 224 pp. LICHTENSTEIN, A. A. H., 1797 Catalogus musei zoologici ditissimi Hamburgi d. 16 Majus 1797 auctionis lege distrahendi. Sectio tertia. contines insecta. Hamburg: Gottlieb Friedrich Schniebes. 156 pp. MARSH, J. A. & O. H. RIPPINGALE, 1968 Cone shells of the world. Brisbane: Jacaranda Press. 166 pp. [Publication date from Ršckel et alii, 1995] MEISE, W. & E. STRESEMANN, 1950 Notes on South African birds described in A. Lichtenstein's 'Calalogus', 1793. Ibis 92: 22-26. NYBAKKEN, J. W., 1990 Ontogenetic change in the Conus radula, its form, distribution among the radula types, and significance in systematics and ecology. Malacologia 32: 35-54. PICKERY, R., 1991 Chronological list of the references to the original descriptions of Recent subgenera and species belonging to the family Haliotidae. Gloria Maris 29: 105-118. POGGENDORFF, J. C., 1863 Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch zur Geschichte der Exacten Wissenschaften. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth. POPPE, G. T. & Y. GOTO, 1993 European seashells, volume 2. Wiesbaden: Verlag Christa Hemmen. 221 pp. PRADO, A. C. G. & O. S. DE ABREU, 1993 Global list of the family Haliotidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Gastropoda: Pleurotomariacea). Publicacões ocasionais conquilologistas do brazil 1: 1-7. PRELLE, G. 1994 Preservation of the periostracum and identification (Conidae). World shells No. 11: 101-104. RÖCKEL, D. ,W. KORN & A. J. KOHN, 1995. Manual of the living Conidae, volume 1: Indo-Pacific Region. Wiesbaden: Verlag Christa Hemmen. 517 pp. RÖDING, P. F., 1798 Museum Boltenianum, pars secunda continens Conchylia sive Testacea univalvia, bivalvia & multivalvia. (Ed. P. F. Röding, preface by A. A. H. Lichtenstein). Hamburg: Johan Christi Trapii. viii, 199 pp. RUMPFIUS, G. E., 1705 D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer. Amsterdam: F. Halma. 340 pp, 60 pls. SHERBORN, C. D., 1899 Lichtenstein's 'Catalogus rerum naturalium.' Annals and Magazine of Natural History, seventh series, 3: 272. SHERBORN, C. D., 1902 Index animalium 1758-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1195 pp. SHERBORN, C. D., 1922 Index animalium 1801-1850. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 9 Vols., 7056 pp. STAFLEU, F. A. & R. S. COWAN, 1981 Taxonomic literature, a selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types. Volume 3: Lh-O. Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema. 980 pp. STEWART, K. A. & D. L. GEIGER, 1998 Designation of lectotype for Haliotis crebrisculpta Sowerby, 1914, with a discussion of H. clathrata Reeve, 1846 (non Lichtenstein, 1794). The Veliger 42: 85-96. UBALDI, R, 1993 Atlas of the living abalone shells fo the world [First part with intorductory notes and four species treated]. Rome: Associazione Malacologica Internazionale. ISSN 1122-0309 [irregular pagination]. VAN REGTERNEN JUTTING, W. S. S. & C. O. VAN REGTEREN ALTENA, 1965 Conus nobilis Linnaeus and Conus victor Broderip. Basteria 29: 81-89. WAGNER, R. J. L. & R. T. ABBOTT, 1964 Standard Catalog of Shells, Ed. 1. Greenville: American Malacologists. WAGNER, R. J. L. & R. T. ABBOTT, 1977 Standard Catalog of Shells, Ed. 2. 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