NSW: Port Jackson
(NMBE Schuttleworth 397, 1). Woononga Beach [= Woonana ?] (LACM 120209,
1 [?]).
VIC: Sorrento (AMNH
272148, 1).
WA: Esperance (DLG
AAB 11c, 3). Albany, Goode Beach (LACM 29630, 1). Busselton (LACM
127439, 1). Bunbury (AMNH 220242, 1; BMSM 2089:
2). Seabird [50 km N of Perth] (DLG AAB
11h, 2). Freemantle (DMNH 012825, 2; WAM S1005, 1: complete).
Garden Isl. (DLG AAB 11a, 1). Freemantle, Rottnest Isl. (SBMNH no
#, 1). Off Freemantle, Carnac Isl. (SBMNH 6168, 2). Cowaramup Bay
(AMNH 152485, 2; AMNH 169641, 2). Cape Mentelle (WAM S1006, 1: complete).
Ellensbrook South Cowaramup, near Margaret River
mouth (AMS C.402364, 1). Off Forest Beach, S of Bunbury (AMS C.072991,
1). Perth, Cottesloe Beach (AMS C.009209, 1). Perth, Cottesloe Beach
& nearby beaches (AMS C.402363, 3). Rottnest Is (AMS C.096501, 1).
South Point, S of Two Peoples Bay, near Albany. (AMS C.402362, 1).
WA, Marmion Marine Park; Cottesloe (Wilson, 1993).
Freemantle - Esperance (Wells & Bryce, 1985). Geralton - Esperance
(Wilson, 1993).