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The Abalone Mapping Project

Below the locality data for Haliotis semiplicata

is shown. Entries in red are new ones not published in Geiger (2000), entries in green are from the Australian Museum Sydney. First the specimen records are given, sorted by country/larger area in a general North-South and East-West organization. Below the specimen and range data from the literature are given. All specimens from DLG collection now in SBMNH.
The notation the locality data is as follows: (Collection-Acronyms Collection-Number: number-of-specimens). The term "complete" indicates preserved animals.


NSW: Port Jackson (NMBE Schuttleworth 397, 1). Woononga Beach [= Woonana ?] (LACM 120209, 1 [?]).

VIC: Sorrento (AMNH 272148, 1).

WA: Esperance (DLG AAB 11c, 3). Albany, Goode Beach (LACM 29630, 1). Busselton (LACM 127439, 1). Bunbury (AMNH 220242, 1; BMSM 2089: 2). Seabird [50 km N of Perth] (DLG AAB 11h, 2). Freemantle (DMNH 012825, 2; WAM S1005, 1: complete). Garden Isl. (DLG AAB 11a, 1). Freemantle, Rottnest Isl. (SBMNH no #, 1). Off Freemantle, Carnac Isl. (SBMNH 6168, 2). Cowaramup Bay (AMNH 152485, 2; AMNH 169641, 2). Cape Mentelle (WAM S1006, 1: complete). Ellensbrook South Cowaramup, near Margaret River mouth (AMS C.402364, 1). Off Forest Beach, S of Bunbury (AMS C.072991, 1). Perth, Cottesloe Beach (AMS C.009209, 1). Perth, Cottesloe Beach & nearby beaches (AMS C.402363, 3). Rottnest Is (AMS C.096501, 1). South Point, S of Two Peoples Bay, near Albany. (AMS C.402362, 1).

LITERATURE, LOCALITIES: WA, Marmion Marine Park; Cottesloe (Wilson, 1993).

LITERTURE, RANGE: Freemantle - Esperance (Wells & Bryce, 1985). Geralton - Esperance (Wilson, 1993).