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The Abalone Mapping Project

Below the locality data for Haliotis squamata

is shown. Entries in red are new ones not published in Geiger (2000), entries in green are from the Australian Museum Sydney. First the specimen records are given, sorted by country/larger area in a general North-South and East-West organization. Below the specimen and range data from the literature are given. All specimens from DLG collection now in SBMNH.
The notation the locality data is as follows: (Collection-Acronyms Collection-Number: number-of-specimens). The term "complete" indicates preserved animals.


NICOBAR: (BMNH 1829, 1).

VIETNAM: Pulo Condor (9¡ 20' N 106¡ 40' E) (MNHN no #, 1)

INDONESIA: Bali, Nusa Dua (LACM 86-164, 1: complete). SW Java, Sukabumi, Queens Bay (AMNH 103486, 2). Java, Batavia/Jakarta (MNHN no #, 1). Java, Drini Beach, near Jogjakarta (DLG no #, 2). Bali (AMS C.060942, 2).

QLD.: GBR, off Cairns, Arlington Reef (AMNH 178752, 2). Near Gladstone (USNM 595682, 1).
NSW: Sydney (MNHN no #, 2). Gulf of Carpentaria, Bountiful Is (AMS C.400889, 2). Gulf of Carpentaria, Forsyth Is (AMS C.015830, 5). Gulf of Carpentaria, Mornington Is, White Cliffs & Melbidir Bay (AMS C.014540, 7). Gulf of Carpentaria, Sweers Is (AMS C.400890, 2).

NT: Taipang/Taypang Bay [= Trepang ?] (AMNH 114549, 1; MNHN no #, 1). Nhulunby, Gove Peninsula (BMNH 2341, 1). Yirrkala, Arnhem Land (USNM 602298, 14). Point Charles (ANSP 267918, 2). Allaru Is, Cobourg Peninsula (AMS C.328741, 0, 3: complete). Off Cobourg, Croker Isl. (BMSM 2086,1). Arnhem Land, Gove Peninsula, Yirrkala (AMS C.073340, 20). Cobourg Peninsula, Araru Point (AMS C.400886, 1). Cobourg Peninsula, Smith Point (AMS C.078717, 1; AMS C.122878, 11). Crocodile Ids, Milingimbi (AMS C.059996, 4). Gulf of Carpentaria, Groote Eylandt (AMS C.073313, 1; AMS C.096498, 1; AMS C.098327, 3; AMS C.400888, 2; AMS C.403149, 1). Gulf of Carpentaria, Groote Eylandt, Bardalumba Beach Umbakumba Mission (AMS C.403150, 2). Melville Is, near Garden Point Catholic mission (AMS C.078654, 1; AMS C.400891, 1). New Year Is, NE of Cobourg Peninsula (AMS C.400887, 1). Nhulunbuy town beach, Gove Peninsula (AMS C.403110, 8). Rose River mouth Mission, SE Arnhem Land (AMS C.096534, 1).

WA: Cape Leveque (USNM 618426, 3). King Sound (LACM A.2777, 2; AMNH 111949, 1). Broome (LACM 45877, 5; AMNH 169622a, 1). Broome, Gantheaume Point (LACM 45979, 3; DMNH 124207, 1). Broome, Quondong (AMNH 110146, 1). Broome, Roebuck Bay (AMNH 199647, 4; AMNH 182972, 4). Port Headland (LACM 45802, 1; LACM A.6548, 1). Rosemary Isl. (DLG AAB 13e, 2). Nicol Bay (LACM 45887, 1). Karratha, Fourth-Mile Beach (BMSM 3370, 2). Dampier (DLG AAB 13f, 4). Dampier Archipelago (SBMNH no #, 4). Point Samson (NHB 11 239-a, 1; NHB 11 244-a, 1). Barrow Isl. (USNM 692029, 1). Barrow Isl., Airport Beach (USNM 691996, 4: complete). Between Cape Dupuy and Cape Malouet (USNM 691874, 4: complete; USNM 691827, 13: complete). NE of Onslow, Montebello Isl., Trimouille Isl. (LACM 95-66, 2). NE of Onslow, Pasage Isl., Great Sandy Isl. (LACM 95-63, 8 + 1 complete; LACM 95-64, 1 + 1 with dried body). NE of Onslow, Weld Isl. (LACM 95-60, 2). Yanchey's [= Yanchep ?] Beach (LACM S.1114, 1). Murat, Exmouth (AMS C.328734, 3: complete). Learmouth, Exmouth Gulf (AMS C.328735, 2: complete). S. of Exmouth townsite, Exmouth Gulf (AMS C.328738, 3: complete), Bundegi Reef, Exmouth (AMS C.328732, 3: complete). Off Carnarvan (AMS C.328740, 2: complete). Port Gregory, N of Geraldton (AMS C.328733, 15: complete). Off Perth (DMNH 012213, 3). Swan River (BMNH no #, 5). Shark Bay (BMNH 2341, 1). Vlaming Head (AMNH 96444, 3). Cape Preston, Regnard Bay (SBMNH no #, 1). Cape Preston (AMNH 220131, 1). SE of False Cape Bossut, Lagrange Bay (ANSP 233326, 1). 13 ml S of Exmouth town (AMS C.328736, 0, 4: complete). 1km N of Port Hedland (AMS C.140183, 2). Beagle Bay (AMS C.078652, 7). Broome (AMS C.400884, 8). Broome (AMS C.400894, 2). Broome, Cable Beach (AMS C.402492, 2). Bundegi Reef, Exmouth (AMS C.404572, 0, 1: complete). Bundegi Reef, Exmouth (AMS C.095705, 1; AMS C.328737, 0, 3: complete). Bundegi Reef, N side of Naval Base, Exmouth (AMS C.400878, 1, 4: complete). Cape Leveque (AMS C.400885, 4). Cape Leveque, NE side (AMS C.071423, 1). Carnarvon (AMS C.096543, 1). Entrance Point, Broome (AMS C.138777, 3). Exmouth, beach opposite U.S. base, N of town towards Bundegi Reef (AMS C.328739, 0, 3: complete). Exmouth Gulf (AMS C.069346, 2). Exmouth Gulf, 17ml S of Exmouth townsite (AMS C.328738, 0, 3: complete). Exmouth Gulf, Learmonth (AMS C.328735, 0, 2: complete). Gantheaume Point, W of Broome (AMS C.138778, 4). Geographe Bay (AMS C.018029, 1). Monte Bello Is (AMS C.049679, 1; AMS C.400881, 2). Ningaloo, S of North West Cape (AMS C.400879, 1). Off Carnarvon (AMS C.328740, 0, 2: complete). Onslow area (AMS C.400883, 5). Point Murat, Exmouth (AMS C.328734, 0, 3: complete). Point Quobba (AMS C.400877, 1). Point Quobba, N of Carnarvon (AMS C.403124, 1). Point Samson, near Port Hedland (AMS C.073295, 3). Port Gregory, N of Geraldton (AMS C.328733, 0, 11: complete). Port Hedland (AMS C.078653, 1; AMS C.096495, 1; AMS C.096533, 2; AMS C.403311, 2). Quondong Pt, N of Broome (AMS C.402493, 4). Roebourne (AMS C.402491, 2). Shark Bay (AMS C.073338, 6). Shark Bay, near Denham (AMS C.400880, 1). South Cowaramup (AMS C.402380, 1).

LITERATURE, LOCALITIES: Java, Karang Hawoe; Bali, beach between Boegboeg and Boeitan (Adam & Leloup, 1938). Sunda Straits; Prinz Eiland (= P. Panaitan); S coast of Java, Wynkoops Bay (= Pelabuhanratu, Teluk) (Talmadge, 1963). Ningaloo Marine Park (Wilson, 1993).

LITERATURE, RANGE: W and NW Australia; Indonesia (Talmdge, 1963). Shark Bay - NT (Wilson, 1993; Wells & Bryce, 1985). Bali, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Dharma, 1988).