Usage and Pricing of Images

  • The images on the web site underly all applicable copyright regulations and laws. Unauthorized use is not permitted for any purpose.
  • I make images available for free under certain circumstances for charitable, environmental and un-applied research purposes.
  • Otherwise usage rights can be purchased; price depends on particular usage. I use the pricing structure of full licence images as a guideline and round that number. Multi-image, and multi-usage discounts are given on a case-by-case basis. Please inquire for a quote. Include with your inquiry the following information:
  • Books: type of book (e.g., text-book, editorial, picture book)—edition size—number of language(s)—market (e.g., US only, plus Canada, world wide)—size of image on page (1/4, 1/2, full page, inside, cover).
  • Magazine: type (e.g., popular, scientific, trade, members only, in-house), market (e.g., US only, plus Canada, world wide)—size of image on page (1/4, 1/2, full page, inside, cover).
  • Display: Size of display, duration of display, location of display (public vs. paying customers).
  • Other purposes: please specify.
  • Is 4000 dpi scan from 24 x 36 mm slide (= 55-60 MB RGB TIFF file) sufficiently high/large for your purposes: yes/no.
  • Preferred file transfer: web download, ftp— ISO 9600 CD-ROM.
  • By default, I supply not unsharp-masked images, to allow the client to sharpen as little or as much as desired. I am happy to unsharp-mask images for you on request at no additional charge.
  • Every image is supplied as spotted, un-compressed RGB TIF file, unless otherwise specified. I can supply all common image formats.

  • List of some published images, academic as well as commercial.
  • Identifications of the organisms is to my best abilites as a trained research biologist. The range of ID-certainties ranges from comparison to field guides, to expert ID by various specialists to comparison with name-bearing type material by myself. If you require additional information on the source of the idenfication, I will gladly provide it upon request.