Publications, Daniel L. Geiger
Pdf files of many publications are available. Click on the button to the right to proceed.

Book: Geiger, D.L. Oct. 30, 2012. Monograph of the Little Slit-Shells.
Volume 1: Introduction, Scissurellidae.
Volume 2: Anatomidae, Larocheidae, Depressizionidae, Sutilizonidae, Temnocinclidae.

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

1291 pages, 1042 figures, 5 color plates, 11 identification cards, >900 references, 17 new species described.
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Book: Geiger, D.L & B. Owen (2012). Abalone: World-Wide Haliotidae.viii + 361 pp. 91 color plates. Radula atlas, new subspecies described by Owen and Owen & Afonso.
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Abalone Book Cover

Symposium volume: Geiger, D. L. & B. Ruthensteiner (eds, July 25, 2008).
Micromollusks: Methodological Challenges - Exciting Results.
Zoosymposia 1, i-vi, 1-308. | Table of contents (pdf)

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The present volume contains the proceedings from the symposium Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges – Exciting Results held during the 16th UNITAS Malacologica World Congress of Malacology in Antwerp, Belgium, July 15–20, 2007. For the purpose of this volume, micromolluscs were defined as molluscs no larger than 5 mm. Such forms play an important role in a variety of research fields, such as origin, phylogeny or biodiversity of the phylum. It is widely recognized that the small molluscan fauna is incredibly diverse and replete with significant discoveries to be made, yet few people work on micromolluscs as they are perceived as being difficult to deal with. The world of micromolluscs is still wide open, as is shown here. The contributions cover a wide spectrum of scientific aspects ranging from methodological assessments, case studies, to review articles. We aim at encouraging working with micromolluscs and showcasing that the types of discoveries that can be made are well worth the slightly greater effort expended.

Zoosymposia1 cover

Book: Geiger, D.L & G.T. Poppe. 2000. Haliotidae. in Conchological Iconography. G.T. Poppe & K. Groh (eds.). Conchbooks, Hackenheim. 135 pp., 83 pls.
ISBN Series: 3-925919-27-9
ISBN this volume: 3-925919-31-7
ISBN binder: 3-925919-30-9

Approx. US$80. DM 165 this volume only.

Sample pages | Reviews

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Lichtenstein (1794) Catalogus rerum naturalium rarissimarum. PDF [77 MB]
An extremely rare catalog of shells including some descriptions of new taxa. Geiger (2003) discussed the work, and a website with interpretative translation is provided. Pdf made from cleaned-up microfilm available from UC Berkeley library.

Rüppel & Leuckhart (1830) Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika. Erste Abtheilung Zoologie. PDF [116 MB] | smaller OCR processed pdf [25 MB]
An uncommon work on invertebrates of the Red Sea including sea slugs and some bivalves. The entire text and plates 7-12 (1-6 not available) are provided. Pdf made from copy in the collection of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

Schepman (1908) Siboga Expeditie, Volume 39, Part 1: Rhipidoglossa and Docoglossa.
PDF [824 MB]
| smaller OCR processed pdf [267 MB]
A classic expedition report with many new species described and radulae illustrated. Pdf made from copy in DLG personal library.

von Martens (1903) Die beschalten Gastropoden der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899: A. Systematisch-geographischer Teil. Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 7: 1-146, pls. 1-5.
[969 MB]
| smaller OCR processed pdf [347 MB]
Contains numerous species descriptions from this well-known expedition. Pdf made from copy in DLG personal library

Thiele (1903) B. Anatomisch-systmatische Untersuchungen einiger Gasstropoden. Deutsche Tiefsee Expedition 7: 147-179, pls. 6-11.
[263.9 MB]
| smaller OCR processed pdf [91 MB]
Contains Anatomy of Cocculina, Odostomipsis, Puncturella aethopica, and several other species. Pdf made from copy in DLG personal library

Ramirez-Böhme, J. (1981) Moluscos de Chile. 1 Arcaheogastropoda. 149 pp. From library of Gene Coan. An elusive work.
[87 MB pdf]